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The Wright Perspective℠

Social Commentary from the C-Suite to Main Street℠

A Blog by Gary Wright II

A personal message for my friends during tough times

Saturday, May 23rd, 2009

A lot of my MySpace friends are going through some very tough times right now. I also just went through a painful patch of life, so here is the advice I gave to one friend:


I read your message on MySpace about your current situation. I really wish that there was something I could do to help you out, but I just went through a similar situation. The VA made an error on my pension, and my mortgage wasn't willing to wait on them to fix it. I went from the top of the pile one day, to homeless.

My first advice is: Please don't give up! Never give up! I believe that you were put here for a reason, and you obviously haven't completed your life's task yet - because you are still "here".

Something rapper TI said lately during his ordeal, "God hasn't carried my this far just to drop me off here....."

I am not trying to be "preachy" or anything, but that is what faith is all about. Nothing a human can say to you can give you true faith. It is something you have to feel deep in your heart and in your soul.

My next advice: "Never base your self-worth off of your net worth!" It is easy to feel like the two are related, but they are not! Your net worth will always go through changes, but your self-worth is never diminished.

You are going through a very difficult time of your life, but as long as you don't give up, you will make it through this just fine! Hang in there!

Best regards,

-- Gary Wright II

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