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The Wright Perspective℠

Social Commentary from the C-Suite to Main Street℠

A Blog by Gary Wright II

Closing Huntsville tech school is a huge mistake

Saturday, December 17th, 2011

I just heard that Huntsville, Alabama is closing their tech school (The Huntsville Center for Technology) and that is a huge mistake!

The Huntsville Center for Technology was centrally located, and student without cars are transported by bus between their high school and the Huntsville Center for Technology. I know that is expensive, but the skills student learn there are worth every penny.

At a time when our schools are failing and budgets are shrinking, I understand that many difficult decisions must be made regarding funding and school closures.

Although I wish everyone was college educated, attending a university is not for everybody. Learning a trade gives those students who can't attend college a chance of success. In an economy where college graduates are unable to obtain employment, a trade school becomes even more important.

I attended the Huntsville Center for Technology for three years to study medicine (health occupations). Even though I didn't pursue a career in the medical field, I can't put into words how much that school impacted my life.

The Board of Education says the classes will be distributed to the high schools, but that is not very fair unless every high school gets every class. Which kids will get access to which classes? If a student wants to learn cosmetology, are they going to have to relocate or be transported to the other side of town?

I don't have any children, but I realize that a good education is important to having a productive society. I hope that Huntsville will reconsider their decision before we lose a whole generation of aspiring students.

Best regards,

-- Gary Wright II

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